The tragic mystery of Bob Saget’s death left the world shocked and questioning the seriousness of brain injuries. Unfortunately, if you delay medical attention, the risk of a brain injury becoming more severe or even taking your life is higher. There are many kinds of head injuries that we will break down below…
The first is a concussion, the most common and least serious type of traumatic brain injury. In a concussion, the doctor checks for vital signs such as balance, coordination, hearing, etc. The second injury is a hematoma. This is especially serious when blood clots outside of the blood vessels inside the brain, which causes increased pressure in the skull. It can cause loss of consciousness and potentially permanent brain damage.
The third kind of injury is hemorrhage. A hemorrhage is non-stop bleeding in the brain—headaches, vomiting, pressure buildup in the brain, and more are all symptoms. Older people are more prone to hemorrhages and hematomas. Especially if they take anticoagulants or antiplatelet medications. It is a must to see a doctor as soon as you experience something severe like this. A few minutes can be the difference between life and death, so it is crucial to take action immediately.
The fourth kind of injury is a traumatic brain injury. This occurs when recovery from head trauma and concussions is delayed. It is essential to rest your brain to help you recover from a TBI. In addition, it is important to recognize that performing normal activities following a TBI may increase your concussion symptoms or prolong your overall recovery.
There are many causes of brain injuries. You may have hit your head directly or experienced a car accident. These incidences can become a bigger deal that can lead to bruising, swelling, and bleeding. There is no way of avoiding such situations because these things can happen at any time, even when you are careful. We need to take precautions and protect ourselves. There are minor injuries and severe injuries. Minor injuries last less than 15 minutes, and the person does not lose awareness. When it is a moderate injury, the individual does not lose understanding, but the injury lasts longer than 15 minutes. When severe, the injury lasts much longer, and the person loses consciousness. In this scenario, it is important to get help right away. Severe injuries are scary for those that experience them and their loved ones. It is important to understand what can happen if we ignore such injuries. We can experience long-term issues with our speech and mobility and can experience seizures and more. March is Brain Injury Awareness Month, an opportunity to bring attention to traumatic brain injury (TBI) prevention and warning signs.