Oncology Data Services / Registry
Oncology Registry Data Abstraction forms the bedrock of our commitment to excellence. With HIA, you get value from our unparalleled understanding of the demands that a medical condition like cancer imposes.
HIA Oncology Data Services / Registry Abstraction services hinge on the following core points of reference:
- Stages cancer cases according to the American Joint Committee on Cancer Staging. TNM as well as SEER Summary Staging.
- Completes case-finding for assigned facilities
- Performs timely abstraction of assigned cases to ensure compliance with ACS standards
- Completes edit checks and makes appropriate changes on a timely basis
We are industry leaders in providing accurate, reliable data abstraction of clinical cancer data registries. Our expertise spans several decades as we offer you turn-key solutions.
Oncology Performance Improvement Initiatives
Oncology Data Services / Registries: QOPI (Quality Oncology Practice Initiative)
ACS Cancer: American College of Surgeons Cancer Program, NTDB
NPCR: National Program of Cancer Registries
PURC (Pennsylvania Urology Regional Collaborative)
Pennsylvania Urology Regional Collaborative
Quality improvement initiative that brings urology practices together in a physician-led, data-sharing, and improvement collaborative aimed at advancing the quality of diagnosis and care for men with prostate cancer.